Material: sound, audio amplifier, mp3 player, media player, video projector
time: sound_ 5minutes 35seconds, video_ 2minutes 30seconds
view:installation at Yokohama Civic Art Gallery, Kanagawa
photo:Ken KATO


東京で生活している弟の間では、制作に限らず出来事を共有できない部分があったという。意識から抜け落ち、 黙過されるような日常の物事に着目した《AM(Dayzzz)》には、震災を経験して得た共有不可能性という視点が見受けられる。就寝時に発せられる音声、周期的な生活音は、それぞれ無意識のうちに収録された音であるからこそ、守章の作品において一つの表現として成立しているのかもしれない。それは、意見の相違を理由に一時活動を中断したユニットが見出した制作方法の展開であり、二人の新たな対話のかたちでもある。

大塚真弓「対話のあとさき」‬新・今日の作家展 2019
[展覧会記録集]横浜市民ギャラリー, 2019年

From August to September 2010, Mori Masaaki living in Ishinomaki City and Mori Yoshiaki living in Shibuya, Tokyo called each other through an Internet telecommunication service, Skype, and attempted to count numbers together at the same time. 
For  so  long,    we  had continued  making  artworks   while  living  in  distant locations, Tokyo and Ishinomaki. It was an attempt to make an artwork that would  grasp  what  resonated  between  us  despite  the  difference  of   each other's circumstance, at the same time it was a search for the breadth of our artistic practice as a duo.  After  our  recording  on  September  12, 2010,  our opinions about future directions got sharply divided, and the production of the work was discontinued. 
Since then, our practice as a duo has been stopped.
In May 2018, an  attempt  was  made  in  Ishinomaki  city  to  record  the  state between  wakefulness  and  sleep  by  using  a  sound-recording  device.  Our artistic activity as a duo had been stopped since the recording on September 12, 2010,  the invitation to make a new work meant unknown  possibilities to us. We decided to use the opportunity to discover each other after the 8-year gap. 

Mayumi Otsuka「The Ongoing Dialogue」New “Artists Today”Exhibition 2019
[Exhibition Document]Yokohama Civic Art Gallery, 2019